Donating Your Hair
Did you know that there are children and women all over the world that benefit from people donating their hair? Women and children that suffer from auto-immune disorders and cancer treatments are the beneficiaries of these programs. Are you interested in helping? Ask your stylist today about the details. We can give you a few here that you may not already know. Locks of Love requires 10 inches and will accept colored, permed or layered hair. Highlights are generally not accepted due to the bleaching nature of the process. Pantene Beautiful Lengths requires 8 inches. Wigs for Kids requires 12 inches and will not accept any colored, permed or highlighted hair. So, think twice if you are looking for a drastic change from long to short and see if your hair could benefit a child around the world. We would be happy to help you participate if you are looking to do so. See you soon!